For those of you who didn’t know, Pak Mail offers specialty delivery services. We did a HUGE awesome delivery today for Western Michigan University at The Oaklands – their on campus bed and breakfast for special guests of the university, the president or other honored guests. They also rent it out for various things as well. Beautiful old mansion and rich with history on campus. The presidents used to live there years ago.
They did a huge reset with furniture, paintings, rugs, etc. we picked up 37 items from our partner consignment shops WINDSOR COTTAGE CHERRY and WINDSOR COTTAGE THORNAPPLE and delivered them in a very specific time-frame to reset between their guest stays. We arrived at 9am and had to be cleaned up and out by 130pm as we reset a ton of their rooms. It was an honor to be a part of it and marvel at the historical rooms, decorations, and original trim and unique designs of the rooms and spaces.